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3D Printing Law, 3D Trademark Design and The Makerbot Class Action Suit

Rubiks Cube - 3D Printing Design

3D PRINTERING: THE MAKERBOT CLASS ACTION SUIT Since the 5th generation of Makerbot 3D printers were released at CES in 2014, there has been an avalanche of complaints about the smart extruder in these printers. READ FULL ARTICLE    3D

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Posted in Legal, Media

Home Depot and MakerBot to Take on 3D Printing Together

home depot 3d printing

What Happens when large players like Home Depot hook up with 3D Printing firms like Makerbot? In a retail program that was already in place with 12 stores, popularity of the partnership was high enough to extend it from the

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Posted in Announcements

3d Printing Business News- Makerbot sold for $403 Million

This stock deal might be worth as much as $600 million, some analysts say. The M&A activity is heating up in the 3d Printing Space

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Posted in Finance