3D Printing Management Ideas – Will General Public Become Educated?

Written by: Daniel M. Suib COO/Managing Director of The 3D Printing Channel


I have, on occasion, basically explained to friends and family and some strangers what 3D printing is. I mean, I don’t know the technical aspects of the heating of the filament and printing material or the CAD software programs that are utilized to create the “thing” that is being printed. But, I think I have done a pretty good job at basic explanations of the process.

As the Managing Director and COO of the www.3dprintingchannel.com my focus is not on the technical aspects of the 3D Printing Industry. We have experts that focus on those things, as we see and experience and encounter at every conference and tradeshow out there about 3D Printing. The technicians and engineers are present and extremely knowledgeable about how “it” gets made. My focus is to get the focus away from the technical jargon and onto the human or laymen’s aspect and terminology of comprehension.
Without the basic explanations of what “it” is, the confusion will keep the void of interest and understanding between us (the 3D Printing Industry)…and them (the general public). We need to start creating the basic conversation. The explanations that “everyone” understands. You know, for an industry that has been around since the 1980’s…there is still no comprehensive definition of what 3D Printing…is. At least…to the general public.

And by general public, I mean the general public. The people who shop at the Home Depots that are now housing the 3D Printers. The shoppers of Staples that now can 3D print stuff for their customers…who still have no idea what “that machine over there” is for or what it does.

So…the conversation must start. We at the Association of 3d Printing are created an on-line educational program called the 3D Printing MBA

That will better explain what 3D Printing is all about. It’s time to educate the general public in terms that they will understand.

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  1. […] Written by: Daniel M. Suib COO/Managing Director of The 3D Printing Channel Um…What? I have, on occasion, basically explained to friends and family and some strangers what 3D printing is. I mean, I don’t know the technical aspects of the heating of the filament and printing material or the CAD software programs that are utilized to create the “thing” that is being printed. But, I think I have done a pretty good job at basic explanations of the process. As the Managing Director and COO of the http://www.3dprintingchannel.com my focus is not on the technical aspects of the 3D Printing Industry. We have experts that focus on those things, as we see and experience and encounter at every conference and tradeshow out there about 3D Printing. The technicians and engineers are present and extremely knowledgeable about how “it” gets made. My focus is to get the focus away from the technical jargon and onto the human or laymen’s aspect and terminology of comprehension. Without the basic  […]