3D Printing Trade News – 3D Printing Is Good Enough For Sports Cars

Lamborghini has unveiled its first end-use components to be manufactured with Digital Light Synthesis (DLS) technology.

The Italian automotive brand has harnessed 3D printing to produce a new textured fuel cover cap and a clip component for an air duct for its SUV model, brought to market last year. Amazon news, as quality and workmanship is key for this firm.

Lamborghini has been working in collaboration with not only Carbon, but also Volkswagen’s Electronic Research Lab as it looks to redesign parts primarily in the interior of vehicles to reduce weight and improve durability. Carbon’s DLS printing systems are helping to facilitate this additive production at scale, while its Epoxy 82material has been highlighted as an enabler to deliver more durable parts that are able to withstand high pressure and high temperature requirements.

Teaming the capabilities of Carbon’s 3D printing technology with the experience within the VW Electronic Research Lab has allowed Lamborghini to put 3D printed parts on one of its Super SUVs models, and the company is confident there is more to come. It looks like 3D Printing won’t really have a problem matching the high quality components demanded by luxury manufacturers.

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